Climate-neutral advertising with Media Impact!
Our strong premium brands BILD, B.Z., BOOKS, AutoBild, ComputerBild, SportBild and WELT have been able to call themselves TÜV-certified climate-neutral products since the start of 2024 – valid for all digital products such as websites and apps, as well as podcasts, newsletters and events.All print products of the BILD and WELT Group have already been certified climate-neutral products since 2023.*
For Axel Springer and Media Impact, reduction always takes precedence over compensation. Non-reducible emissions are offset by supporting certified climate protection projects of the Axel Springer Carbon Bank.
The prerequisites for the certificate are, on the one hand, a complete and correct survey of the CO2 footprint of all print and digital products and, on the other hand, their offsetting methods. The TÜV seal is valid for one year. Upon successful recertification at the end of the year, a new certificate is issued for the following year.
* Exceptions: commercial print supplements (not self-produced or self-commissioned), TV and social media channels as well as the WELT supplements. Further information is also available at welt.de/verantwortung, autobild.de/klimaschutz and at axelspringer/sustainabilitystrategy and mediaimpact/greenid.